
News and announcements about the Carmelite Order, our Region, and our Community

Community News, July 2023

Our Lady of Mercy Lay CarmelitesRead the news from our July 2023 community meeting. Included is information about profession anniversaries for two of our members, the upcoming Regional Day of Recollection in October, and details about next month’s meeting. Our director also invites us to reach out to our inactive members and to remember them in our prayers. Read the whole article for more details and to find out about our Ongoing Formation homework for the next community meeting.

Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel: 2023

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel2023 Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. This year our reflections for this beautiful feast will focus on Mary’s Contemplation as shown in the Mysteries of the Rosary. Each night during the novena we will reflect on one or more aspects of this topic as we honor Mary and seek her guidance along our Carmelite journey. Read the full article for details about the schedule — including dates, times, and locations — for the 2023 novena at Holy Spirit Church.

Community News, June 2023

Our Lady of Mercy Lay CarmelitesRead the news from our June 2023 community meeting. Included is information about the upcoming novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the 2025 Convocation in Washington, DC, and details about next month’s meeting. Read the whole article for more details and to find out about our Ongoing Formation homework for the next community meeting.

Community News, May 2023

Our Lady of Mercy Lay CarmelitesRead the news from our May 2023 community meeting. Included is information about annual dues, 25th anniversary of some of our members, ongoing formation, Phase 1 and 2 classes. Read the whole article for more details and to find out about our Ongoing Formation homework for the next community meeting.

The First Anniversary of the Canonization of St. Titus Brandsma

Titus Brandsma
Photo: “Titus Brandsma” by unknown photographer, Public domain, [Wikimedia Commons]  

St. Titus BrandsmaMessage from the Prior General of the Carmelite Order: The First Anniversary of the Canonization of St. Titus Brandsma. The 15th of May 2023 marks the first anniversary of the canonization of our brother Titus Brandsma, canonized along with nine other holy men and holy women, by Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Square in 2022. The memory of that celebration and the days that surrounded it still live in the minds and hearts of thousands of people all around the world. It was particularly moving for all of us who had the blessing of being in Rome when the event was taking place.