
News and announcements about the Carmelite Order, our Region, and our Community

The Opening of the 450th Anniversary of the Birth of St. Mary Magdalen de’Pazzi

Mass in honor of the 450 anniversary of St. Mary Magdalen d’Pazzi’s birth
Photo: CITOC News

On the 2nd of April, the date of Mary Magdalen’s birth in 1566, the solemn opening of the anniversary celebrations took place at the monastery of Careggi (Forence, Italy), where her body is venerated. The Cardinal Archbishop of Florence, Giuseppe Betori, led the celebration of the Eucharist that was concelebrated by several priests.

An Epiphany House Blessing

Chalking the Door
Photo: Catherine Weeks (own work)  

“Chalking the door” is a way to celebrate and literally mark the occasion of the Epiphany and God’s blessing of our lives and home. With time the chalk will fade. As it does we let the meaning of the symbols written sink into the depths of our heart and be manifest in our words and actions the Latin words, Christus mansionem benedictat, “May Christ bless the house.”

Commemoration of All Carmelite Souls

All Carmelite Saints

On this commemoration of All Carmelite Souls, we call to mind all Carmelites who have gone before us and their part in the heritage that has been handed down to us. These brothers and sisters of ours may not have been famous spiritual writers nor renowned for extraordinary experiences of prayer, but they made their mark on the Order and on each of us through their own efforts to live in allegiance to Jesus Christ in service to the Order and to the Church. Whether as priests or brothers, nuns or sisters, consecrated lay or third order members, they brought the spirit of Carmel to their daily lives and to all those around them.