
News and announcements about the Carmelite Order, our Region, and our Community

Letter of the Prior General on the Solemnity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel 2015

Message from the Prior General — 2015 Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Another year gone by, and we are again looking forward to the feast of our Lady of Mount Carmel. On account of that I would like to say a word to you all, first of all, to wish you a happy feast day and to express the wish that the novenas, liturgies, prayers and celebrations of the coming days may help all of us to give new life to our charism and make it more present and more alive in our hearts.

20 Minutes for 40 Days

Lent: Prayer | Fasting | Almsgiving

It is customary to give up something for Lent — or maybe do something extra. This year I’m combining these two traditions. Read this article to find out what I mean. And, by the way, what are you going to do to make this Lent different from “ordinary” time?

Pope Francis Opens the Year for Consecrated Life

2015 Year of Consecrated Life
Illustration: 2015 Year of Consecrated Life logo : Vision Vocation Network

February 2, 2015: Pope Francis opened the Year for Consecrated Life at Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, marking the start of an entire year dedicated to the many who have chosen the vocation of religious life. This World Day of Consecrated Life was instituted by John Paul II in 1997. February 2 is also the Feast of the Presentation and coincides with the Candelmas.